
To My Author Page

I’m Jennifer Belanger

I co-authored an anthology book called Turning Point: Empowering Stories to Activate the Divine Feminine Within. My chapter in the book is called, "Archaeology of My Soul" and it is a spiritual memoir. The chapter explores how I connect my past to the present through my divine encounters and mystical experiences. I also talk about the sacred breath in my chapter and how breathing techniques can open us up to deeper levels of inner wisdom and helps us discover our divine treasure within!

I am a certified Breathwork Facilitator and founder of a company called, Oasis Breathwork where I teach various breathwork patterns that can bring you to higher states of consciousness. Please visit my Breathwork website at oasisbreathwork.com for more information.

With the purchase of this book, Turning Point, you will receive a FREE GIFT and a 30% off discount on a breathwork session. Details for this are at the end of Chapter 6, Archaeology of My Soul.

Turning Point: Empowering Stories to Activate the Divine Feminine Within

Have you ever faced a turning point in your life where you had to make a choice to change? A moment when nothing would ever be the same again?

If you’re human, the answer is likely YES...

Imagine what would happen if you invited the pain to guide you, allowing yourself to feel to the depths of your being and melt the armor around your heart?

I invite you to journey along with each author and witness how they went from tragedy to transformation as you turn each page! This book is for anyone, not only women.

To purchase Turning Point, please see the Amazon links below.

Win a free copy of my Anthology book, "Turning Point"

Type your Name and Email below to enter the Contest - the draw will be on December 16, 2024!

First Century Synagogue

As discussed in chapter 6 of my story, and how I was led to this Holy site.

Archaeological Dig​

See What Other People Are Saying About Turning Point

Reviews For Chapter 6 - Archaeology of My Soul

What a gift! As a woman of faith, I felt truly blessed to be a part of the author’s ‘archaeological dig’ as she uncovered the pieces of God’s master plan for her life!  We tend to be unaware of the divine road maps before us, yet the storyboard of connectedness unearthed for the reader reveals the author’s deep spiritual connections as a modern-day ‘seer’.

Lorraine Young-Tomalty

Jennifer tells a great story in this chapter- one that awakens your curiosity of childhood memories and Divine connections made throughout one’s life. Her descriptions of her experiences will warm your heart and enrich your faith. 5 stars!

Hannah Oxley

Light Worker and Breathwork Facilitator

When I met Jennifer and her husband in June of 2019 to visit Magdalene’s grotto, she told me that she had been to Magdala and that her experience had been extraordinary. I would never have thought of the paths she took to get to this place where Myrhiam and Jeshua lived and taught. Her experience is overwhelming. She recounts her journey with great love and is not afraid to open her heart. I admire her writing for different reasons: her way of writing, her honesty and her determination, but also her fragility. She brilliantly shows that by opening a door, other doors open and lead us to Revelation, capital R. Revelation of our life mission, Revelation of the Divine within us to lead us ever closer to God.

Veronique Flayol

French lecturer specializing in pilgrimages and spiritual journeys on Mary Magdalene's footsteps.

I loved reading about how Jennifer was following the “breadcrumbs” of her life and how it led her in a full circle (from the precious moments she had with her father when she was younger). It was such a touching story and I really appreciated how she connected the dots in such a profound way and memorable way. It made me think about my own journey of spiritual awakening and discovering the breadcrumbs along the way. If you are on a journey of transformation, this story will inspire you…knowing that every “wrong turn” that we take in life can be a blessing in disguise that brings us closer to our truth. We just have to dig deeper and pay attention. What a timely story to tell as I believe the world is ready for healing and awakening. Thank you for sharing your beautiful story!

Gay Acosta Newlin

Holistic Career Coach Certified Trauma Informed Breathwork Facilitator

Turning Point: Empowering Stories to Activate the Divine Feminine Within, published by Flower of Life Press is a peak of the world to come. I loved Jennifer Belanger’s chapter on her turning point. She speaks to what I discovered and why I call my webinar business the Magdalene Impact. The Magdalene from beyond the veil is reaching out to so many of us and through the delight of magical synchronicities we are guided to our true purpose. You can see from her story the amazing impact from a loving father who told her stories about Magdalene, which so many of us missed out on. If you are raising children, you will understand the importance, from reading Jennifer’s chapter of sharing stories about the Magdalene with your kids…this could be the turning point in their life.

Priestess Christy Grace Michaels

M.A. of the Lyceum of Sophia, Founder and Developer of the Magdalene Impact YouTube channel

Jennifer offers such powerful wisdom in her heartfelt story as she weaves the parallels between the Divine-ly impactful events of her life and those of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Her chapter (Chapter 6: Archaeology of My Soul) will inspire you to read her entire book and start taking notice (if you haven’t already) of those moments in your life where Spirit is ALWAYS speaking and guiding you.

Diana Dixon Annin

Breathwork-Healer-Coach, A Faithful Fan

I was deeply moved by Jennifer Belanger’s story in Chapter 6 of the newly released book, Turning Point: Empowering Stories to Activate the Divine Feminine Within. Jennifer has a rare gift and profound ability to connect and relay synchronicities and timelines, signs and symbols – it is such a huge part of her chapter, Archaeology of My Soul; related to her amazing path and experiences. I can see that she is helping align people to the pathway of their own unique story; their sacred treasures of inner wisdom, greater awareness and a deep connection to God. I simply LOVE the title, Archaeology of My Soul, as over time, it has come together like a symphony of music – her incredible insights, mystical experiences, visions and what her work is doing for others. Jennifer marries her writing with sacred breathwork, as she assists people to access their own archives, their own archaeological site within of their soul’s story. When her book, Archaeology of My Soul comes out, I cannot wait to read it!

Deborra Cameron

Emotional Blueprint Coach

Feel free to share your feedback on Turning Point and/or my Chapter – I’d love to hear from you! Thank you.
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